Sunday, March 10, 2013

Siklab Magdalo!

I voted last Friday for the new set of Supreme Student Council. I voted straight. MAGDALO! I decided to go with them because they have the simplest and POSSIBLE platform unlike the Piglas. Actually, I don't understand the meaning of what they want the school could be. So impossible and they also acted in school like they're good and very disciplined ones. Too many words than actions. Fortunately, Magdalo won! Straight! Except from the VP Internal, if I'm not mistaken. Good Job and Goodluck Guys!

Done and all good

Thankyou for making me laugh when I'd almost forgotten how to. So great! Everything's perfectly fine. All efforts, all hard works it resulted in a good way. Thank You Lord. I am proud to be a Sebastinian. I actually performed my dance for the PE good. Not perfect, ofcourse. Thanks you. And also I need to rest for the upcoming finals. yiiip. Gogogo. I can do it!